江苏华兰药用新材料股份有限公司 江苏华兰药用新材料股份有限公司


2009 Hualan Summary Commendation Congress is held

发布日期:2010-03-11    点击量:1668

2009 Hualan Summary Commendation Congress is held
Compared with coldness in the first month of the lunar year, Hualan felt warm and happy on the morning of Mar 7. The 2009 Hualan Summary Commendation Congress was held that day, which summed and reviewed the past year's work, arranged the next tasks and commended advanced group and individuals. Totally 990 employees including President of the company Hua Guoping, General Manager Hua Yimin, Executive Vice General Manager Gong Xiaoqing, Vice General Manager Zhao Shijun, all department managers participated in this congress. This congress was prepared by Preparatory Team with Chairman Yang of Labour Union under the assistance of Administrative Department. This congress was presided by Executive Vice General Manager Gong Xiaoqing. After the solemn national anthem, President Hua delivered an opening speech.
President Hua expressed: with joint efforts of all staff, corporate product innovation, brand innovation and management innovation all obtained new development. He encouraged employees enhancing creativity in their daily work. In addition to the remarkable improvements, many defects still existed which needed improvement and joint efforts of all management and employees. Company made "care-staff preferences" to give awards to employees and their sons/daughters for their excellence under the tenet of "social responsibilities permanent". Now, the company is expanding scale in order to advance in capital market for carrying the company forward and better serving for the society.
On the congress, President Hua Guoping and General Manager Hua Yimin presented prize to representative of excellent employees and carry brooch; Secretary of the board of directors of Hualan and Vice General Manager -- Mr. Zhao Shijun presented prize to representative of excellent managers and carry brooch; Chairman of Labour Union -- Yang Julan presented prize to representative of excellent front-line managers and carry brooch. Besides, awards such as excellent director, excellent salesman, excellent shift leader, excellent skill employee and excellent mechanical maintenance employee were also presented on this congress. The above grant winners will obtain salary increase or chance to further study in target school in 2010 arranged by the company.
Subsequently, to implement "care-staff preferences" policy issued on Feb 23, 2010, company management also presented prizes to county/city-level advanced individuals since 2006, excellent employees since 2006, excellent sons/daughters of Hualan employees in 2009 and employees with parents of 80 years old or over in 2010.
Finally, General Manager Mr. Hua Yimin announced this congress ended in a satisfactory way and banquet started thereafter in the warmest applause.

For running this congress, Yang Julan, the leader of Preparatory Team and Labour Union and all members of the team prepared and planned with great care. Many good shows performed on this congress fetched the public.

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